Thursday, September 9, 2010

09/09/10 Hurricane Hermine

Hurricane-Pain-in-My ... Oops.. Rated PG-site, behave myself..

Hurricane Hermine slammed into Southern Texas / Northern Mexico late Monday, into early Tuesday. But that didn't stop it from bringing a lot of rain with her.

Not just a little rain, but according to the amount of water running across roads around my house, and the enormous puddles that now occupy my side yard, I'd say we got about 10"+ of the wet stuff. Some of it came as just rain, but for Tuesday and Wednesday early morning, it came as windy sideways rain, with heavy downpours.

The boys are muddling through, figureatively and literally. There's mud in all the normal places, and some abnormal places. The weather calls for a bit less rain today, though I'm hopeful the shower this morning was the end of it. Then the rain can begin to soak up into the ground, roll to lower places, and give me and my outdoor children some relief.

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