Friday, December 13, 2013

Back at it, 12.13.13

12.12, rode Mo walk and trot, in the arena and pasture, focusing on introducing him to the new fence being built around the pasture.  He handled all well, including the tractor weights banging the posts into the ground. 

12.13 was Harley's turn.  Champion.  He warmed up world-class, like he'd seen this before.  No goofy moments, no spooks, not even a lookie-loo moment.  Free longe, followed by side reins, and I hopped on.  Nice ride.  He started out feeling pretty stiff and unwilling to give (odd because he looked good on the side reins).  I focused on my arms and hands and found the problem - he was stiff because so was I.  I put a lot of attention into my elbows and shoulders, and he relaxed.  Delightful.  Rode a lot of transitions towards the end - included nearly all of them, even a walk/canter that was pretty nice. 

As a treat to myself, I downloaded a handful of audio ride tips/tricks from Jane Savoie.  I'm very curious what they'll be like while I'm riding.  I listened to bits of a few of them already, and found that they might be educational out of the saddle, and I'm not sure what they'll do while I'm riding.  They looked like exercises when I read the descriptions, but then in the actual listening, they sound a lot like "educational books on tape".  We'll see.  If nothing else, I can put one on in a playlist, and add a song here & there to boost the energy. 

Speaking of songs and energy, I've found myself listening to the radio, and when I hear an upbeat song, I keep tapping my feet, thinking "I wonder if that's Harley's tempo.  I wonder what his trot would be like.  Hmm, that's too fast, that's too slow."  Anybody else do that?

Next lesson (I think) is scheduled for next weekend.  I better squeeze a jump ride in this weekend, followed by a 2point marathon some night this coming week.

I'm four working days from 2 weeks of vacation.  Monday is a full day.  Tuesday thru Thursday are all short days - leaving 2-3 hours early each day, before vacation begins next Friday and runs through January 6.  I'm anxious for the ride time, and the outside time with the dogs, and generally just not getting up at 4 or 430am to be ready for work.

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