Thursday, March 6, 2008

Arena Progress

Initial work wasn't supposed to begin until Thursday, but when I arrived home Wednesday, there was a large piece of equipment in the pasture. I walked out to it, and saw that the ground had been scraped all over the back pasture area.

However, the equipment looked to be stuck in the pasture. I called the company, talked with the owner again, and he informed me it was stuck, and they were going to remove the equipment Thursday. I reminded him the weather is supposed to be stormy today (cold front buzzing in), and he said, "I'll make some phone calls, and let you know." Never heard back from him.

Arrived home after choir last night, the equipment is gone, replaced with two big ruts in the pasture. Will call today for clarification on the path forward.

I'm still going to have an arena... weather just might slow progress.

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