Monday, September 16, 2013

Monkee Mondays 9/16/2013

Mum! Mum!
There's a MYSTERY afoot! A MYSTERY, I say!!
According to Auntie MM, there *used* to be plenty of butter knives in the drawer. Well, apparently up until recently, there were maybe 12 of them. Mum, you should have heard her three days back-- "Where are all the butter knives?" was the battle cry. She said, with more than a little bit of incredulity mind you, that there were only TWO left in the drawer. TWO butter knives I tell you!!
Now tonight, as she was doing dishes and cleaning her kitchen up, she discovered an awful truth---- there is only ONE butter knife remaining! ONE!
It's a mystery I tell you- the knives are disappearing. Shocking!

We're hot on the trail of the gremlins who've made off with her kitchen utensils. Rotten little buggers they are!
I'll keep you posted Mum, on what happens when we solve the Case Of The Missing Utensils!
Much Love from your Monkee,

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