Saturday, August 30, 2008

Took a SnookerLoad of Photos Last Night

And they all live up there. Enjoy, ya'll. In the one conformation (I think it's left) shot, can anybody else see that cute face looking at me? I almost hear him, "Momma, what're you doing?!? Can I go back to munching on the lawn, now??"

Pulse last night was still evident in both fronts. The left was pounding, and the right was weaker. I was a bit shocked by that, but I'll take it.

Lunged briefly in both directions. Sound left, sound straight in-hand. Still a wobble head-bob or three headed right. If I left him lead his head out of the circle, he limped less. Durasole on all frogs, and sent him back out to pasture.

Hurricane Gustav - GET! Scram! ShoO! Get outta the sea, and float back where's you came from! You ain't welcome here! Now, if that red-neck fussing doesn't chase him off, we're screwed... :)

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