Romeo and I got up early, before the morning sky released the heavy sunshine. It was daylight, but not by much. Western gear, bit & all. Off to the arena we went.
He tip toed over the dewey grass, in a long walking warmup. I felt his backhalf loosen up, as his walk gained swing. Up to a trot, and I got a jog. A light, low headed jog. Serene, almost.
Brave, I tested his bare hooves on the wet gras at canter. He tip toed, best I can explain it. It was the lightest, slowest, gentlest canter I've had on him ever at first-go. Usually, I can settle him into that gait after ten minutes of canter circles. However, that morning, he was easily into it.
I played with collection & a loose rein. We "came & went" at the trot, extending & shortening his stride. He was agreeable and behaved. A few deer sprinted across the new mowed pasture, and while his ears "looked" his mind didn't. Very refreshing.
Maybe Romeo knew it was a day of remembrance & mourning. Maybe he felt it in my blood. I had already watched some of the news recapturing Ground Zero, the Towers engulfed in flames, rescue workers shuffling screaming citizens down the roadways. Maybe Romeo knew I had other emotional things on my mind, things I can't put words to, things I want to fix and don't know how. I'm not sure. But that little fellow's spirit and way of going completely mirrored my mood. And the ride fit my needs exactly.
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