I've got occasional rainstorms at home, and downpours in my head... Listened to my Miranda Lambert CD today on the way in... this song pretty much sums up what's on my mind...
I don't want to see you or feel you
I don't want to look into your eyes
I don't want to touch you or miss you
I just wanna love your memory tonight
I can't handle all this pain
All we ever do is fight anyway
Why we even try I haven't a clue
With hearts involved there's way too much to lose
I don't want to see you or feel you
I don't want to look into your eyes
I don't want to touch you or miss you
I just wanna love your memory tonight
You were something else to look at
Your intentions they weren't all bad
You tried to make me something I wasn't
Lord knows there ain't no future in all that
Horses got rained on yesterday - Good for grass, great for the hay order I've got waiting. Pooey for riding. Trying to sort out feed options for Romeo, and considering a few upcoming ride options... Ya'll have a duckie day.
Grass...hay! Girl, I got snow on my pasture!
yeah.. sorry 'bout that. We've been waiting on rain to grow the hay so I can get my 20-bale order filled ....
it'll last the first half of winter, I hope
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