Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10-10-10 Training #2 D. Rochau

Training Level #2, D. Rochau, Judge

1. Enter working trot, halt at X, salute, proceed working trot
6 = tendency to lower poll close in front

2. Track right, circle 20m
6 = quite steady, could be suppler

3. Change rein working trot KXM
6 = very steady, needs balance in corners

4. Working canter left lead between C & H
7 = smooth

5. E Circle Left 20m
6 = on forehand

6. Between E and K working trot
7 = fairly smooth but dump on forehand

7. A medium walk
6 = lost clarity don’t push past point

8. FXM Long free walk down the diagonal
7 = good activity and topline stretch

9. M-C Medium Walk
7 =

10. C Working Trot
6 = not through from behind

11. Circle Left 20m
6 = needs better bend and suppleness throughout

12. Change Rein working trot, down the diagonal
6 = nice except deep in poll

13. Between C and M working canter right lead
7 = nicely through

14. B circle right 20m
7 = on forehand, more from behind

15. Between "B" and "F" working trot
6 = fairly active and through

16. Down "A" centerline, halt, salute.
7 = close behind, but straight

Rider comments
Gaits = 6
Impulsion = 6
Submission = 6
Rider = 7

Some nice moments. At times really doesn’t look his age.

Wow, again. Look at that extra written comment. That was the near-highlight of my weekend. Doesn't really look his age. Nice! I serve my horse well - I don't interfere, and while we're not a "9 & 10" pair, we're snagging 6s, 7s, and even some 8s. What a deal! From remarking early in the day he was lame and stiff, to a closing remark like that.

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