Thursday, October 16, 2008

Northern Front Blowing in

This is the best time of the year here in South Texas. It'll be a little muggy, a bit warm (70ishF), and the winds will be still. Then, all of a sudden, the winds change from South East to comin' out of the north, with a howl.

There's a northern front blowing down this morning here at work. It's a blustery wind, and my weather-fave, Intellicast, says it's 66F outside. 11mph winds, from the north, gusting at 17mph. It isn't cold or blustery, by all Yankee & up-north measurements, but here, it's awesome. Overcast, cloudy, with a forecast of 50% chance of precip at home. The rain will still do us good. Round pen was damp but not puddly last night. That means we can handle a bit more.

Pulled doveweed off the arena fenceline last night. Didn't wear gloves. Now I have blisters on the insides of four fingers. Dangit.. Sometimes I'm just not as bright as the average Jane.. Oh well.

Saw FSSunnySD put up a few Worst Rides Ever. Good reads - Check it out!

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