I was going to recapture my Easter Passion Play memories in one post, but I think I'll stretch it out a few weeks, and a little at a time, explain why Easter is my favorite time of year, and every year since the play, my faith is renewed by the memories. Just typing and re-reading, I'm welling up. Who would've thought that one semester, one Easter season, and I can't even think about the true holiday and not be overwhelmed with gratitude...
I saw the call for auditions on a college bulletin board. Never had the courage before to audition, not to mention for a big play like this. I figured I didn't stand a chance, but it was worth the effort. Wouldn't cost me more than a little gas and a few hours of rehearsal. And I was in college, giving speeches & teaching labs - I can audition in front of a few adults, good grief! So I rehearsed for weeks. I spent hours mastering two songs, determined I'd give it my best. When I showed up at the audition building, I almost chickened out, and figured I could tell my family, "I didn't make the cut". But, God pushed me in the door.
I smiled at the older woman at the front door. "Are you here to audition, sweetheart? Are you Jennifer?"
"Yes ma'am. I'm awful nervous. Can we just get this over with?"
"Of course, dear. Just sit here one minute. I'll let John know you're here."
I stood up, shook hands, and was placed in a room, alone. John explained, "This is so we can record your audition, in case we need to review it later. It also measures how well you can sing to a camera." o O (Camera, I thought.. this thing is LIVE?! What do we need a camera for?! I'm a chemist, not an actress!) O o
I sang my heart out. I gave it my best, thanked them for their time. John explained that, "First practice is February ___. Please plan to be a few minutes early."
When I arrived that Sunday, it seemed everyone had someone to talk to, but me. I was in a roomful of friends, but I wasn't one of them. I had no idea what I was getting into. I sat in the first rehearsal, was handed a three ring binder full of paperwork, told rehearsals were every Sunday from 2-5, no questions asked, and if you reguarly can't attend, quit now. This thing is serious, and we won't tolerate screaming kids, misbehaving teenagers, or noncommitted adults.
When I looked at the final board on my way out the door, I saw it. "Jennifer - Chara - Peter's Denial." I asked someone near me, "What does that mean?"
"That's your name? Well, then, dear, that's your part! Congratulations! They never called and told you? My goodness! Well, then, let's go get you a CD so you can practice! I think that's the third solo. Way to go!"
I beamed the whole way home. Did I realize what I was getting into? This was a busy semester already, and I was occupied with church Easter program, leading two distinct worship services at my home church, two jobs on campus, one job off campus, preparing for the rest of my life after college, and a semester jammed full of hard courses. But God had something in store for me, I just didn't know what it was...
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