Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10/25/09 Show's On! TL #1

I shouldn't have to say this, but I'll do it anyways. Don't copy this video, stick it on another blog or website. If you've got it to say, the comment form is available to you.

Yup, Test #1 wasn't real hot - I have evaluated, I see what the judge saw, and I know what to be practicing on. Ya'll Enjoy!


Yankecwgrl said...

Some parts good...some parts NOT so good.....but for the most part u kept your cool :) Kudos! :P

Jennifer said...

thank you ma'am.

jacksonsgrrl said...

Well, learning from the judge's comments is the complete point of showing. You learn, you get better, and then at the next show perhaps the ribbons are there for you. If not, oh well. Just keep moving forward and enjoying yourself. Really cool horse people aren't going to judge you. Last time I checked they weren't hatched riding at the higher levels!

Jennifer said...

The whole reason for the disclaimer was... I've seen folks take amateur videos, paste 'em up on their blogs or websites, and light a fire about "how terrible that rider's being to that horse because they can't ride." Thus the "don't steal my video" disclaimer. :)

Yankecwgrl said...

Mommy....Johnny took my crayons and is NOT coloring inside the lines!!

Jennifer said...

Johnny needs to be taught how to color inside the lines.

Is he keeping it on the paper & off the walls? Well, then, that's a step in the right direction.