Wednesday, February 25, 2009

At 12:45 This Morning

*grin* ... No, there wasn't any wildlife in my house, no helicopters and police scouring the neighborhood..

My stupid weather radio went off,, TWICE. Beeping like freaking mad. So I jumped out of bed, horrified. I ran to the radio, pushed the "What do you WANT?!" button, and listened in...

Waking up...

Freaking Amber Alert. Missing 15-year old child, Houston area.

I woke up for WHAT?! Okay, I understand missing children are tragic, and I also understand Amber Alert notices and highway signs labeled with the details. But my Weather Radio? In the middle of the night?! Honestly!!! What child am I going to go looking for at nearly 1 am? If police officials are going to rank a missing child right up there with a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning (where I need to immediately take cover and hide for my own safety), I need to disconnect it or re-program my darn radio.

I unplugged it before I went to bed, angry. My heart rate was going twice the normal, and I laid awake a while before drifting back off to sleep.

EDIT... So I add onto this post in the afternoon.

They found her, with no explanation of what happened. Amber Alert cancelled 11:30 am.

They woke me for WHAT?

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