Got an email from the TAMU coach yesterday. Well, a couple emails. First one, she asked for some info to send the paper transfer with the right information on it. She also explained his show name Tidal Wave. Read on...
The day I bought him, I decided to change his name because I wasn’t fond of “Kings Plaything”…… there was a popular movie that had just come out – “Something to Talk About”. There was a horse in the movie named “King’s Ransom”, and I decided that was what I wanted to change his show name to, and then call him Ransom. About two weeks later, fresh off the race track, I took Ransom on an overnight camping trip/trail ride. He was a super star! But we quickly discovered Ransom’s great love for the water. While swimming the horses and letting them drink, Ransom proceeded to paw the water with his front legs harder and bigger than any horse I have ever seen! He soaked the entire group, including us! At the time, I also had another older appendix named Hurricane Bob. We thought it would be neat if my horses were all named after natural disasters (as a joke!), so that’s where he got the show name Tidal Wave! But his barn name of Ransom stuck……. So there’s that little story!
Ain't that neat? I emailed her again, and asked for details of how Ransom ended up at Miss Barbara's house, and here's what she said...
Since I coach the equestrian team, I was able to keep Ransom at our facility and use him occasionally in practices for the girls. He was beginning to have some minor lameness issues behind and wasn’t staying 100% sound. We moved facilities and were limited on stall space, and he had to live outside. It was very troubling to me to watch him live outside all of the time, when he was accustomed to a large pasture and being able to come and go out of his stall as he pleased. The elements of living outside were rough on his old bones, and he wasn’t holding his weight, at all. So after a long struggle with myself on what I should do, I called Barbara to see if I could give her to him for him to either retire or find a loving home for the rest of his years. He needed a job, because he loves people and loves to please. So I am so happy that he has a job and great life with you now!
So, there it is. It explains why he was thin when I found him. It also clears up for me, he wasn't at Barbara's house all that long before I got him. Poor guy probably wasn't sure where "home" was. I think he knows now, though.
Finding out past history on horses is always interesting. I love reading race records, past performance records, etc, but getting to TALK to a former owner is just excellent! She sounds like a nice woman, and is very pleased with where her old star is!
Give those boys a rub from me!
Ain't it, though? She told some more stories about how he could be worked moderately or not at all, show up at competitions, win all. It was apparently so good for her the other competitors knew it was "show over" when they pulled in the show grounds.
I do hope Ransom carries that legacy with him. Can you imagine how awesome that'll be? Show up at a competition, and the other competitors are sighing in defeat before I even mount up! Cool deal!
It was great to read that his old trainer realy cared for him and has taken the time to chat with you via e-mail!
It must feel great to have some more background info on him and to hear some of his untold stories.
Enjoy your vacation!
The history certainly cleared up why he's so darn relaxed away from home, for sure.
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